kcw fall 2013: day 5&6:: skeleton fairy tutu

aside from a tweak or two, halloween costumes are now done!  i finished up spiderman on friday and also sewed skeleton fairy’s tutu.

skeleton fairy tutu

this is the tutu from little things to sew (affiliate link) by Liesl Gibson of Oliver + S, and i’ve made it a few times including for Em’s halloween costume two years ago!  she still wears that one, and now this one will be added to the mix.

skeleton fairy tutu

i made it out of shimmery white tulle with sparkly black tulle layered over the top and black chevron ribbon to tie it.  that ribbon is perfect for a skeleton, right?

skeleton fairy tutu

the black tulle is a bit stiff and “crunchy” and didn’t want to gather, making this tutu more difficult to sew, but the sparkles are great in person, kind of like a night sky.

skeleton fairy tutu

we hit the store for the rest of her costume – wings and a wand.  i’m considering some sort of hair clip or fairy crown or something, any suggestions for me there?  frankly i’m a bit sick of looking at all the “sexy” adult costumes that pop up when i try to get ideas for this one online.  they’re just so ridiculous (i mean, sexy bert and ernie?!  SERIOUSLY??).

but hey, my kids’ costumes are done and that was my primary KCW goal!  i’ll get photos of them and show ya this week.

how did you do?

kid's clothes week

13 thoughts on “kcw fall 2013: day 5&6:: skeleton fairy tutu

  1. Jeifner says:

    That is going to be such a fun costume. The pictures will be so great to look back on when they’re older.
    Maybe a Halloween/fairy crown a la Aesthetic Nest? I could see her tutorial being adapted easily for this.

  2. Ruth says:

    Yay for reaching your KCW goal 🙂 I love the tutu – I’ve got a bag of tulle waiting to be turned into Oliver + s tutus for my daughter’s friends as Christmas gifts. I really should get cracking!

  3. girllikethesea says:

    yay! can’t wait to see it all put together. sexy halloween costumes are out of control. Dressing up for halloween has turned into an excuse to look like hookers for a night. What ever happened to being delightfully awkward?

    I know this sounds kinda creepy, but a crown made from a metal coat hanger bent into the right shape might be kinda interesting. Painted black or white. Probably wouldn’t stay on very well though. I was trying to think of something for a crown that had some structure and architecture.

  4. Kelly says:

    It’s perfect, that ribbon is great! I am excited to see the finished costumes, and it has been really fun to follow along with your process. Maybe I will make mine again next year! 🙂 Those sexy Bert and Ernie costumes, just disturbing. We got a catalog with sexy Snow White on the cover and my little ones were very curious and wanted me to explain her costume…hmmm.

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