handmade halloween 2015: vampire bat

back with O’s Halloween costume!  for a long time he had told me he wanted to be a vampire this year, which i was pretty excited about.  thought it’d be fun to have a classic Dracula little guy.  but the week before halloween, AFTER i had already bought fabric for a cape and black trousers, he said no, he actually wanted to be a vampire BAT.  like the animal.  so i sort of went with a hybrid.

vampire bat costume

i started with his cape/wings, which i insisted on lining with the red nylon i had gotten at Mill End to look more “vampire” like.  i drew the pattern out on a big sheet of easel paper, making the wingspan match his armspan and sort of echoing the style of last year’s Toothless costume.  then i cut it out of some microsuede type fabric my mom had given me plus the red, sewed right sides together then turned, and quilted the lines in from the neck to each point of the wings.   Continue reading

handmade halloween 2015: kid catwoman

Halloween costume sewing seems to divide our kind into three camps: “i love sewing costumes!,” “i hate it, but do it anyway FOR THE KIDS,” and “nope, i’m going to Target.”

i fall in the first camp…within reason.  costume sewing is a fun creative challenge for me, and my kids play dress up pretty much constantly, so these are not one-time use AT ALL.  only the big kids got handmade costumes this year though; our little guy is suddenly a huge Curious George fan and borrowed a monkey costume from his cousins that he was thrilled about.  so anyway, here’s handmade costume #1 – Kid Catwoman.

kid catwoman costume
E settled pretty quickly on Catwoman once it was time to lock in the costume requests.  O’s superhero love has rubbed off on her a bit, and i made a slapdash Wonderwoman costume one afternoon for dress up purposes, but for Halloween she wanted to be a villain.   Continue reading

handmade halloween 2014: luke skywalker

the Star Wars obsession hit fast and furious with this kid.

jedi luke skywalker costume

it started with him watching A New Hope with daddy (who had to field a barrage of questions about every little detail of the movie as it played – hilarious) and quickly progressed into checking out books from the library, building Star Wars lego sets, and turning every tubular object in the house into a lightsaber.  his knowledge of the movies is super impressive – i’m pretty familiar with the movies but he already has me beat on some of the details.   Continue reading

handmade halloween 2014: queen elsa

well, blogging during kid’s clothes week was almost a total bust, because i got sucked into a sewing vortex all week!  two out of three Halloween costumes are done and O’s is more “finished” than i planned because he tends to wear his costumes as everyday wear a lot more than E does, so i can’t cut corners.  that’s up next.  but i’m going in age order so this little gal is up first.

E wanted to be Elsa from Frozen.  because of course she did.

elsa costume // skirt as top Continue reading