now accepting sponsors

after months of much over-deliberation, i have decided to just pull the trigger already and start accepting sponsors for skirt as top!  my thought is that i love sewing and blogging so much that i would do it for free (and have done it for free for almost a year and a half now), but blogging does carry some very real costs that i’d at least like to cover, you know?

bucket hat boys (elephant side)

managing sponsors takes a bit of know-how and work on the back end, and it also can have an effect on readers, so it’s not a decision i come to lightly.  however, i feel like i’ve reached a point where i’m ready to take the challenge on, and i’m excited!

sheet as top

if you click over from your feed reader, you may notice that i actually have a couple sponsors over there on the sidebar already.  one is a great blog, imagine gnats, chock full of fun projects and tutorials and honest, thoughtful writing by rachael.

imagine gnats

the other is southern fabric, a fantastic online fabric shop that has a wonderful array of designer prints, great basics, and patterns too!  click on over and check them out!

Welcome to Southern Fabric .com

if you have a shop or blog you think might be a good fit for advertising here on skirt as top and you’d like to learn more, please send me an email and we can get the conversation started!

this is such an exciting step for me, a place i never expected to be.  i very much appreciate your support in the growth of my blog, which makes it all possible.  you guys are awesome.  thank you!

pssssst!  wanna see a sneak preview of our next installment of film petit coming later this week?  here it is!  

film petit sneak peak

be back soon!

13 thoughts on “now accepting sponsors

  1. Devon says:

    Ooh, congrats on sponsoring up! Way to take your blog to the next level. I’m so excited to see another film petit installment. That photo strip makes me think of a certain movie most of us would watch in subtitles…but I might only be thinking that because it’s one of my most favorite-est movies ever!

  2. Laura J says:

    I totally appreciate that the bloggers I read are sponsored. Honestly, I rely on bloggers like you to find out about the cool shops. I’d never know about them if it wasn’t for blog ads and giveaways. I hope the cool shops out there are reading this!!

  3. kim says:

    yay! So exciting and such a great sign for all of us readers that skirtastop is around for the long haul. 🙂 Congratulations!

  4. Caila says:

    Hey girl! I meant to comment on this much sooner. I’m so glad you’re accepting sponsors! Your site is a great resource and I love that you’re taking it to the next level. Great job and good luck!

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