glow stick swimsuit bath

i love going swimming in the wintertime.  blame it on my 4 years of varsity high school swim team (don’t get too impressed, we were a total joke and never won a meet), but when the weather cools down, i crave the pool.  this morning, i suited both kids up, layered sweats and a bathrobe on top, and hopped in the car with the intention of taking a dip in a wonderful outdoor soaking pool nearby.  it’s almost as warm as a hot tub – glorious.  but it was CLOSED!  something about regrouting.  BOO.  Em was really excited to go to the pool, so we tried pool #2, a bit of a drive.  no luck – no open swim on wednesdays!  finished with driving the kids all over town (and the baby in a not-so-absorbent swim diaper with lunchtime fast approaching), i tried to think of something to make up for this double disappointment.  my mind went to…glow stick bath!

have you seen this on pinterest?  it’s been all over lately.  you crack open some leftover halloween glow sticks, toss them in the bath, and the kids go nuts.  this was the first time i tried it, and both kids LOVED it.  i let them both wear their swimsuits in there (i remember it was fun when my mom let us do that), and they stayed in longer than they would have swam!  we don’t have a window in our bathroom, so it worked even in the daytime.

pinterest saves the day!

8 thoughts on “glow stick swimsuit bath

  1. Erin says:

    We did this a couple of months ago with my little ones (little ravers?) and it was serious fun. i had to drain the water and re-fill and a couple of times because it got cold- they were in there so long! so so so fun.

  2. gail says:

    i have to tell you, after you told me about the soaking pool this morning i couldn’t stop thinking about it all day, it sounded so nice. but heck, who needs a soaking pool when you’ve got a glow stick bath?? that looks like great fun!

  3. kim says:

    ah, swim team! I actually just got back from swimming laps a few minutes ago… nice, but not the wimmin poo. 😉 Thanks for sharing such a fun activity! Any idea if you can get glow sticks this time of year? Amazon, I assume? I would have been in a not-very-nice mood after those failed attempts at fun. Way to save the day, mama! My girls would LOVE that. 🙂

  4. carolyn says:

    I LOVE this idea! And better yet, my daughter would love it. So you’re officially warned – I’m stealing this idea 🙂
    And for the record, what’s wrong with you? cold weather makes you want to swim? Cold weather makes me want to stay inside and drink hot chocolate!

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